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Check our reccomended Amazon AWS cloud partner for eCommerce: Spryker AWS hosting.

A regular web hosting service is a company that operates a facility, usually what is referred to as a data center or cloud, which contains massive amounts of servers or virtual instances. Everything on the Internet needs a place to live, and home is on these servers. Regular web hosting services provide space on a server or group of servers, either owned or leased for use by customers. It also provides Internet connectivity so people can reach data hosted on those servers. Most of these services have strict policies regarding what can be stored on associated servers.

E-Commerce solutions and platforms

Digital commerce / E-Commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services using the Internet, mobile networks and commerce infrastructure. Currently eCommerce landscape consits of products like: Spryker Commerce OS, Shopware, Magento, InterCommerce, Sylius, Hybris and Shopify.

For small-scale projects who do not want to hire their own software development teams, one can consider a SaaS - Software-as-a-Service solution.

Big projects using complicated technical architectures might offload some of the technical efforts by using managed platform in PaaS - Platform-as-a-Service model.

Managed hosting for Spryker

Spryker hosting Deutschland

Spryker hosting International